March 2015 Results

Congratulations to all of the winning teams in the March 2015 WTBBC. We had another one for the record books this month.  403 teams entered the contest.  We weighed 30 cats and paid out $79,805 in prize money.

2015 turned out to be a great year for WTBBC.  For the 3 contests combined, we had 1099 teams enter, paid out $217,760 in prize money, gave away some pretty awesome prizes from our sponsors, and had a heck of a time doing it.

Please show our sponsors your appreciation of their support by visiting their websites or establishments and patronizing them when they can be of service to you.

WTBBC would like to thank all those who entered this year for supporting the contest, and once again making 2015 the best year yet!

Here are the results:

Big Bobcat

First Place30 lbs. 13 oz. / $33,375 / Carter Plumley, Justin Trimble, Jimmie Trimble
Second Place / 30 lbs. 4 oz. / $16,687.50 / Martin Childress, Andrew Timmermann, Brian Scott
Third Place / 27 lbs. 2 oz. / $5,562.50 / Justin Smith, Ryan Roberts, Dave Landrum, Barrett Pradon


Each Paid $8,060
Most Grey Fox / 61 / David Hicks, Don Steele
Most Coyotes / 19 / Casey Smith, Chestin Clark, Nathan Spencer, Laramie White
Most Cats / 5 / John Medina, Cody Weir, Jason Beard