March 1st Online Registration Closing This Sunday

Don’t miss your last chance to hunt in the WTBBC for 2014. We will be closing down Online Registration for the March 1st, contest at 12:00 AM on Monday, February 24. That’s this Sunday night / Monday morning!

If you miss that opportunity, you can still mail in your registration and entry fee. Be sure to include all team members’ names and a phone number for one team member, so we can contact you to confirm receipt. I have been sending a confirmation email to everyone who registered online to let them know that we got it. If you’ve registered online, and haven’t received a confirmation please email

As always, you can register in person at Field and Streams in San Angelo during their normal business hours.

Please remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve registered, it must be done in writing so that we have a record of it. An email to is the only acceptable method to change a team member. You must Include the names of your current team members, and the names of the team members you are adding/removing in your email.

If you have pre-registered, then you DO NOT need to be at Field and Streams on Saturday morning. Your team can begin hunting at 12:00 PM on Saturday.

Visit the Rules page for complete contest rules, and take a look at our Rules FAQ if you still have questions.

Good Luck, and we’ll see you on March 1st!!

March 1st Online Registration Now Open

Online registration is now open for anyone wanting to enter the March 1st contest using PayPal.  Teams can still mail in their entry forms with their team’s entry fee, but be sure they get to us BY THURSDAY before the contest.  (Money Order or Cashiers Check ONLY.  No personal checks, please.)  Please include a phone number for one of your team members so that we can call to confirm receipt of your entry.  Also, please waive the signature requirement on expedited services, because we do not want to stand in line at the post office.  Of course, you can also stop by Field and Streams in San Angelo, Texas any time between now and 12:00 PM on the Saturday of the contest. The entry fee is due when you turn in your entry form.  There are NO REFUNDS.

Online registration will close at 12:00 AM, Monday, February 24th (that is Sunday night / Monday morning), to give us time before the contest to transfer the funds from the PayPal account.

Please don’t wait until the last minute to register.  With the contest growing as large as it has been, we simply cannot accommodate all of the requests to get teams registered at the last minute.  We feel that we provide plenty of opportunities to enter the contest (Online, In Person, By Mail).  The three of us all have jobs, and we try our best to help you guys out, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult to manage all of the last minute requests.  Please do us a favor and enter early.  If you aren’t quite sure who is going to be on your team, read on.

Remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve turned in your entry form, it MUST be done in writing so that we have a record of it.  An email to or a TEXT message to Jeremy Harrison (325) 277-0214 are the ONLY acceptable methods to add/remove a team member.  Your team change request (via email or text) must include all of your original team members’ full names and the name(s) of the person(s) you are adding/removing.

Be sure to check out and follow our Facebook page for the latest information and updates.  You can also register for email updates when we post updates on our website.  Just enter your email address in the box on the sidebar.

Thank you,
Jeremy Harrison
Todd Schwartz
Quinten Holik

WTBBC Announcements

We have a few announcements to make before the contest since we probably won’t get to see many of you until weigh-in on Sunday.

First and foremost, we will post the final team count and payout breakdown soon after 12:00 PM on Saturday once registration has closed and we have all the money counted.  This information will be posted both on our Facebook page and on, so please don’t text or call to ask for the team count. (We realize this won’t stop anyone from doing that.  Ha Ha!)

Second, if you haven’t done so already, please contact a local Game Warden from the county in which you will be hunting as a courtesy.  We assure you they will appreciate it, and it may save you some time later on.  You can go to to lookup contact information for Game Wardens by county.

For teams that can’t find a suitable dumping place for their dead critters, we will have a dump trailer parked at Field & Streams on Sunday.  Teams are welcome to dispose of any animals they don’t sell to the fur buyers in this trailer.  We will haul them off after weigh-in for you.

Starting in the February hunt, we will be giving 4 polygraph tests to the winning teams  All winning teams, including Jackpots, are eligible to be tested.  Any team found to be cheating will be disqualified and banned from future contests.  As always, the judges make the final decision.

And finally, we’ve decided to change the payout for 3rd place. Since we’ve had such a great turnout this year, we felt that 3rd place should get a little more of the money. Instead of a flat $1,000, 3rd place will get 10% of the Grand Prize pot.  Of course, we’ll only pay third place if we have 150 or more teams entered.  Here’s how the payouts will break down:

Big Bobcat Grand Prize (70% of total entry fees minus polygraphs)
1st Place – 60%
2nd Place – 30%
3rd Place – 10%

Jackpots (30% of total entry fees – nothing changed here)
Most Cats – 10%
Most Coyotes – 10%
Most Grey Fox – 10%

Good luck to everyone who has entered, and we will see you on Sunday.
Jeremy Harrison
Quinten Holik
Todd Schwartz

February 1st Online Registration Closing Soon

If you are planning on using Online Registration for the February 1st, contest, this is a reminder that it will close at 12:00 AM on Monday, January 27.  That’s this Sunday night / Monday morning!

If you miss that opportunity, you can still mail in your registration and entry fee. Be sure to include all team members’ names and a phone number for one team member, so we can contact you to confirm receipt. I will send an email on Monday to everyone who registered online, to let you know that we got it.

As always, you can register in person at Field and Streams in San Angelo during their normal business hours.

Please remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve registered, it must be done in writing so that we have a record of it.  Include the names of your current team members, and the names of the team members you are adding/removing.  An email to or a text message to Jeremy Harrison (325) 277-0214 are the only acceptable methods to change a team member.

If you have pre-registered, then you DO NOT need to be at Field and Streams on Saturday morning. Your team can begin hunting at 12:00 PM on Saturday.

Good Luck, and we’ll see you on January 11th!!

February 1st Online Registration Now Open

Wow!!  What a turnout we had for our January 2014 hunt.  Total team count was 201.  We paid out over $40,000 in cash prizes to the Big Bobcat and Jackpot winners.  This one contest paid out almost half of the total prize money for all three of the 2013 hunts.  We also gave away some pretty sweet prizes donated by our sponsors.  Be sure to check out their websites or establishments to show your appreciation to them for supporting this contest.  You’d better get rested up though, because the February 1st WTBBC is less than 3 weeks away, and it’ll be here before we know it.

Online registration is now open for anyone wanting to enter the February contest using PayPal.  Teams can still mail in their entry forms with their team’s entry fee, but be sure they get to us BY THURSDAY before the contest.  (Money Order or Cashiers Check ONLY.  No personal checks, please.)  Of course, you can also stop by Field and Streams in San Angelo, Texas any time between now and 12:00 PM on the Saturday of the contest. The entry fee is due when you turn in your entry form.  There are NO REFUNDS.

Online registration will close at 12:00 AM, Monday, January 27th (that is Sunday night / Monday morning), to give us time before the contest to transfer the funds from the PayPal account.  That is TWO WEEKS from today.

Please don’t wait until the last minute to register.  With the contest growing as large as it has been, we simply cannot accommodate all of the requests to get teams registered at the last minute.  We feel that we provide plenty of opportunities to enter the contest (Online, In Person, By Mail).  The three of us all have jobs, and we try our best to help you guys out, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult to manage all of the last minute requests.  Please do us a favor and enter early.  If you aren’t quite sure who is going to be on your team, read on.

Remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve turned in your entry form, it MUST be done in writing so that we have a record of it.  An email to or a TEXT message to Jeremy Harrison (325) 277-0214 are the ONLY acceptable methods to add/remove a team member.  Your team change request (via email or text) must include all of your original team members’ full names and the name(s) of the person(s) you are adding/removing.

Be sure to check out and follow our Facebook page for the latest information and updates.

WTBBC Will Pay 3rd Place Big Bobcat If Entries Exceed 150

Quinten, Jeremy, and I have been discussing this topic for the past year or so, and we’ve decided to give it a try in the January contest.

Here’s how it will work:
If 150 teams or more enter the contest, we will pay $1,000 to the team with the 3rd heaviest qualifying bobcat (i.e. with 5 gray fox or 5 coyotes).
If only 2 teams qualify a bobcat, then we will only pay 1st and 2nd places.
If only 1 team qualifies a bobcat, then we will only pay 1st place.
The 3 Jackpots (Most Greys, Most Cats, Most Coyotes) will remain unchanged at 10% of the total pot for each.

Remember, each team can only weigh their heaviest qualified bobcat!

This should be pretty simple to understand, but if you have questions, read it a couple more times, then call Jeremy Harrison (325-277-0214).  He likes to talk to people.


January 11th Registration Closing at Midnight on Monday

We wanted to remind everyone that Online Registration will close at 12:00 AM on Monday, January 6.  That’s this Sunday night / Monday morning!

If you miss that opportunity, you can still mail in your registration and entry fee. Be sure to include all team members’ names and a phone number for one team member, so we can contact you to confirm receipt. I will send an email on Monday to everyone who registered online, so you’ll know that we got it.

As always, you can register in person at Field and Streams in San Angelo during their normal business hours.

Please remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve registered, it must be done in writing so that we have a record of it.  An email to or a text message to Jeremy Harrison (325) 277-0214 are the only acceptable methods to change a team member.  If you call us, we’ll just repeat the previous sentence.

If you have pre-registered, then you DO NOT need to be at Field and Streams on Saturday morning. Your team can begin hunting at 12:00 PM on Saturday.

Good Luck, and we’ll see you on January 11th!!

January 11th Online Registration Now Open

Welcome back everyone.  We hope you are all rested up and ready to throw down some fur.  This is just a reminder that the January 11, 2014 West Texas Big Bobcat Contest is right around the corner.  It’s only 5 weeks away, in fact. Online registration is now open for anyone wanting to enter the January contest.  Teams can still mail in their entry forms with the entry fee, but be sure to get them to us before the contest starts.  (Money order of Cashiers Check ONLY.  No personal checks, please.)  Of course, you can also stop by Field and Streams any time between now and noon on the Saturday of the contest. The entry fee is due when you turn in your entry form.  Please remember there are NO REFUNDS.
Online registration will close at 12:00 AM, Monday, January 6th, to give us time before the contest to transfer the funds from the PayPal account.  Don’t wait until the last minute if you are going to register online..
Please remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve turned in your entry form, it must be done in writing so that we have a record of it.  An email to or a text message to Jeremy Harrison (325) 277-0214 are the only acceptable methods to change a team member.

Be sure to check out and our Facebook page for more information and updates.

March 9th Online Registration Open

Hey hunters, we’re just over a week away from the 3rd and final round of the 2013 WTBBC. March 9th is our last hunt, and we’ve seen some pretty awesome numbers in 2013. Our January hunt paid out a total of $27,000 to the winners with 135 teams entered, and the February hunt paid out $30,000 with 155 teams entered.  This contest grows by word of mouth, so let’s spread the word.

It was brought to our attention this week that the time change will occur on the weekend of our March contest.  Since this will essentially shorten the contest by one hour, we’ve decided to change the weigh-in time on Sunday to 12:00 PM instead of 11:00 AM.  This will keep the length of the contest at 23 hours, just like past contests.  It will also help prevent teams from showing up late to weigh-in if they forget to change their clocks that night.  Please help us get this rule change out to all the teams that may not see this post.

Online Registration via PayPal is now open on our website. We will shut off PayPal at 12:00 AM on Monday, March 4th (that is Sunday Night / Monday Morning), so if you plan to pre-register, please don’t wait until the last minute. We have to close it early to have the funds available for the contest.

Please remember that once you pay your entry fee, there are NO REFUNDS!  We pay out 100% of the entry fees, so consider how it would look if we announce on Saturday that there are 135 teams, but only pay out 130 teams worth of prize money on Sunday.  We try to run an honest contest, so please help us keep it that way.

Thank you all for supporting this contest. See you on March 9th!
Good Luck!

February 9th Online Registration Open

Hey hunters, we’re just two weeks away from Round 2 of the 2013 WTBBC. February 9th is our next hunt, and we are pretty pumped up after the turnout we had in January. Wouldn’t you love to take home an envelope with over $13,000 cash in it? Our January hunt paid out a total of $27,000 to the winners. We would love to beat that record of 135 teams from the January contest. This contest grows by word of mouth, so let’s spread the word.

Online Registration via PayPal is now open on our website. We will shut off PayPal at 12:00 AM on Monday, February 4th (that is Sunday Night / Monday Morning), so if you plan on pre-registering, please don’t wait until the last minute. We have to close it early to have the funds available for the contest.

Please remember that once you pay your entry fee, there are NO REFUNDS!  We pay out 100% of the entry fees, so consider how it would look if we announce on Saturday that there are 135 teams, but only pay out 130 teams worth of prize money on Sunday.  We try to run an honest contest, so please help us keep it that way.

Thank you all for supporting this contest. See you on February 9th!

January 12th Online Registration Open

We just wanted to remind everyone that the January 12th West Texas Big Bobcat Contest is just a little over three weeks away. Online registration is now open for everyone wanting to enter the January contest.  Teams can still mail in their entry forms with their entry fees, but be sure to get them to us before the contest.  Registration will also be available in person until noon on the Saturday of the contest at Field and Streams.  Online registration will be closed at 12:00 AM, January 7th, to give us time before the contest to transfer the funds from the PayPal account.

Be sure to check out and our Facebook page for more information and updates.