January 21st Online Registration Now Open

The January 21, 2023 West Texas Big Bobcat Contest is right around the corner. In fact. Online registration is now open for anyone wanting to enter the January contest. Teams can still mail in their entry forms with the entry fee, but please be sure to get them to us before the contest starts. (Money order or Cashiers Check ONLY. No personal checks, please.) Of course, you can also stop by Field and Streams , The Outdoorsman or Texas Gun Shop any time between now and noon on the Saturday of the contest. The cash entry fee is due when you turn in your entry form. Please remember there are NO REFUNDS.

ONE-MAN TEAMS are NOT ALLOWED. You must have TWO OR MORE team members when you register. Single Person teams are ONLY allowed with pre-approval from contest organizers.

Online registration will stay open until the contest starts at 12:00 PM, Saturday, January 21st. It will be turned off automatically at that time, and no more entries will be taken. Don’t wait until the last minute if you are going to register online in case you run into technical issues.

Remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve turned in your entry form, it MUST be done via email so that we have a record of it. An email to teamchange@wtbbc.org is the ONLY acceptable method to add/remove a team member. Submitting your team change using the Contact Us page is the same as an email. Your team change request must include all of your original team members’ full names and the name(s) of the person(s) you are adding/removing.

Please take time to read the Rules FAQ for a list of frequently asked questions regarding the rules.

Be sure to subscribe to our email list at www.wtbbc.org and follow our Facebook page and Instagram account for the latest information and updates.

March 2022 Results

Congratulations to all of the winning teams in the March 2022 WTBBC. We ended up with 493 teams entered. We weighed 28 qualified cats and paid out $112,890 in prize money.

For the 3 contests combined in 2022, we had a total of 1715 teams entered, paid out $393,950 in prize money, gave away some pretty awesome prizes from our sponsors, and we had a heck of a good time doing it. That brings our all time total payout (since 2008) to $3,140,810. We think that’s pretty unbelievable, and we know that it could not happen without all the hunters who support the contest and enjoy a little competitive predator hunting.

Also, please show our sponsors your appreciation of their support by visiting their websites or establishments, and patronizing them when they can be of service to you.
We look forward to seeing you all again for the contest.

Here are the results:

Big Bobcat

First Place / 30 lbs. 8 oz. / $34,410 / Barry Simpton, Bud Nelson, Rusty Sewalt
Second Place / 28 lbs. 9 oz. / $19,620 / Sterling Marschall, Ty Lee, Will Smith
Third Place / 28 lbs. 3 oz. / $14,690 / Jordan Baumann, Jayden Baumann
Fourth Place / 28 lbs. 0 oz. / $9,760 / Richard Woehl, Andy Woehl
Fifth Place / 26 lbs. 12 oz. / $4,830 / Wes Glass, Will Dickison, Rett Dickison, Rob Hamilton

20th Place Cat / 17 lbs. 2 oz. / Tommy Keeter, Andrew Schreiber, Dylan Briggs


Each Paid $4,930
Most Grey Fox / 52 / John Caddell, Zane Cadell, Luke Anderson, Travis Smith
Most Coyotes / 14 / Nathan Spencer, Chestin Clark, Jay Healer
Most Cats / 9 / Daniel Senter, Mark Smith
Heaviest Grey Fox / 10 lbs. 12 oz. / $14,790 / Garrett Gilliam, John Ross Copeland, R.A. Brown

March 26 Online Registration Now Open

Online registration is now open for anyone wanting to enter the March contest using PayPal. Teams can still mail in their entry forms with their team’s entry fee, but be sure they get to us BY THURSDAY before the contest. (Money Order or Cashiers Check ONLY. No personal checks, please.) Of course, you can also stop by Field and Streams, The Outdoorsman, or Texas Gun Shop in San Angelo, Texas any time between now and 12:00 PM on the Saturday of the contest. The entry fee is due when you turn in your entry form. There are NO REFUNDS.

Online registration will stay open until the contest starts at 12:00 PM, Saturday, March 26th. It will then be turned off automatically, and no more entries will be taken.

Remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve turned in your entry form, it MUST be done by submitting your team change using the Contact Us. Your team change request must include all of your original team members’ full names and the name(s) of the person(s) you are adding/removing. We do not need to know the reason for the team change.

Please take time to read the Rules FAQ for a list of frequently asked questions regarding the rules.

Be sure to check out www.wtbbc.org and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest information and updates.

February 2022 Results

Congratulations to all of the winning teams in the February 2022 WTBBC, and thank you to all who entered. Our total team count was 596 teams. We weighed A TON of qualified bobcats and foxes, and paid out $137,080 in prize money. Due to the number of qualified cats brought in, we did our best to keep track of all the bobcat weights for the leaderboard. If we missed your team, we apologize.

WTBBC would like to thank everyone for supporting the contest. It wouldn’t continue to thrive as it has without your help in spreading the word. Keep telling all of your hunting buddies about it!!

Also, please show our sponsors your appreciation of their support by visiting their websites or establishments, and patronizing them when they can be of service to you.
We look forward to seeing you all again for the next contest.

Here are the results:

Big Bobcat

First Place / 31 lbs. 0 oz. / $41,620 / Bill Taylor, Jayden Taylor, Brandon Sartain, Colten Lickliter
Second Place (two-way tie) / 29 lbs. 5 oz. / $41,520 / We added 2nd and 3rd place prize money together and split it.
– Nathan Schwartz, Anthony Wheat, Tate Schwartz, Mason Braden
– Casey Smith, Drew McBryde, Daniel Howard
Fourth Place / 26 lbs. 10 oz. / $11,820 / Brad McDaniel, Casey Bynum
Fifth Place / 25 lbs. 15 oz. / $5,860 / Gary Foster, Leland Foster

**Closest to 20 lbs. Bobcat (two-way tie) / 20 lbs. 0 oz. / Diligent Defense Co. gave suppressors to ALL members of BOTH teams. Very generous of them.
– Derek DeHarde, Wade Land, Dustin Durham, Greg Tompkins
– Dalton Michum, Danny Michum, Ty Self, Billy Teague


Each Paid $5,960
Most Grey Fox / 87 / Casey Kruse, Jeffrey Williams, Justin Yonker, Kolby Yonker
Most Coyotes / 37 / Wesley Knoll, Matt Skalsky, Garrett Ball, Colten Gillum
Most Cats / 7 / Derek DeHarde, Wade Land, Dustin Durham, Greg Tompkins

Heaviest Grey Fox

Heaviest Grey Fox / 12 lbs. 4 oz. / $17,880 / Ryan Holik, Doug Hohensee, Caleb Rodgers, Justin Phillips

February 26 Online Registration Now Open

Online registration is now open for anyone wanting to enter the February contest using PayPal.  Teams can still mail in their entry forms with their team’s entry fee, but be sure they get to us BY THURSDAY before the contest. (Money Order or Cashiers Check ONLY. No personal checks, please.) Of course, you can also stop by Field and Streams, The Outdoorsman, or Texas Gun Shop in San Angelo, Texas any time between now and 12:00 PM on the Saturday of the contest. The entry fee is due when you turn in your entry form. There are NO REFUNDS.

Online registration will stay open until the contest starts at 12:00 PM, Saturday, February 26th. It will then be turned off automatically, and no more entries will be taken.

Remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve turned in your entry form, it MUST be done by submitting your team change using the Contact Us. Your team change request must include all of your original team members’ full names and the name(s) of the person(s) you are adding/removing. We do not need to know the reason for the team change.

Please take time to read the Rules FAQ for a list of frequently asked questions regarding the rules.

Be sure to check out www.wtbbc.org and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest information and updates.

January 2022 Results

Congratulations to all of the winning teams in the January 2022 WTBBC, and thank you to all who entered. Our total team count was 626 teams. We weighed A TON of qualified bobcats and foxes, and paid out $143,980 in prize money. Due to the number of qualified cats brought in, we didn’t keep track of all the bobcat weights like we usually do. For some reason we had quite a few cats turned in right around the 20 pound range. Speaking of, the winners of the Dilligent Defense, Co. suppressors for the qualified bobcat closest to 20 pounds were: Cody Helton, Jason Brock, and Dennis Luker with a 19 lbs. 10 oz. bobcat.

WTBBC would like to thank everyone for supporting the contest. It wouldn’t continue to thrive as it has without your help in spreading the word. Keep telling all of your hunting buddies about it!!

Also, please show our sponsors your appreciation of their support by visiting their websites or establishments, and patronizing them when they can be of service to you.
We look forward to seeing you all again for the next contest.

Here are the results:

Big Bobcat

First Place32 lbs. 5 oz. / $43,720 / Jayden Baumann, Jared Scott, Jordan Baumann
Second Place / 32 lbs. 2 oz. / $24,940 / Andrew Timmermann, Martin Childress, Jacob Childress, Brian Scott
Third Place / 31 lbs. 12 oz. / $18,680 / Luke McComic, Nathan Rogers, Brent Stewart, Jeran Rodriguez
Fourth Place / 30 lbs. 3 oz. / $12,420 / Ryan Raschke, John Studdard, DJ Moss, Trevor Lalk
Fifth Place / 29 lbs. 6 oz. / $6,160 / Kurt Davis, William Wilkinson, Jimmy Addison

**Closest to 20 lbs. Bobcat / 19 lbs. 10 oz. / Cody Helton, Jason Brock, Dennis Luker


Each Paid $6,260
Most Grey Fox / 55 / Carter Plumley, Justin Trimble
Most Coyotes / 24 / Bruce Williams, Keith Bowles, Gunnar Bowles, Nathan Elliot
Most Cats / 6 / Nathan Timm, Dusty “Bottoms” Hohensee
Heaviest Grey Fox / 12 lbs. 11 oz. / $18,780 / Bobby Werner, Kevin Dusek, Joe Thomas, Shane Thetford

January 29th Online Registration Now Open

The January 29, 2022 West Texas Big Bobcat Contest is right around the corner. In fact. Online registration is now open for anyone wanting to enter the January contest. Teams can still mail in their entry forms with the entry fee, but please be sure to get them to us before the contest starts. (Money order or Cashiers Check ONLY. No personal checks, please.) Of course, you can also stop by Field and Streams , The Outdoorsman or Texas Gun Shop any time between now and noon on the Saturday of the contest. The cash entry fee is due when you turn in your entry form. Please remember there are NO REFUNDS.

Going forward, ONE-MAN TEAMS are NOT ALLOWED. You must have TWO OR MORE team members when you register. Single Person teams are ONLY allowed with pre-approval from contest organizers.

Online registration will stay open until the contest starts at 12:00 PM, Saturday, January 29th. It will be turned off automatically at that time, and no more entries will be taken. Don’t wait until the last minute if you are going to register online in case you run into technical issues.

Remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve turned in your entry form, it MUST be done via email so that we have a record of it. An email to teamchange@wtbbc.org is the ONLY acceptable method to add/remove a team member. Submitting your team change using the Contact Us page is the same as an email. Your team change request must include all of your original team members’ full names and the name(s) of the person(s) you are adding/removing.

Please take time to read the Rules FAQ for a list of frequently asked questions regarding the rules.

Be sure to subscribe to our email list at www.wtbbc.org and follow our Facebook page for the latest information and updates.

March 2021 Results

Congratulations to all of the winning teams in the March 2021 WTBBC. We ended up with 476 teams entered. We weighed 13 qualified cats and paid out $109,480 in prize money.

For the 3 contests combined in 2021, we had a total of 1498 teams entered, paid out $344,540 in prize money, gave away some pretty awesome prizes from our sponsors, and we had a heck of a good time doing it. That brings our all time total payout (since 2008) to $2,746,860. We think that’s pretty unbelievable, and we know that it could not happen without all the hunters who support the contest and enjoy a little competitive predator hunting.

Also, please show our sponsors your appreciation of their support by visiting their websites or establishments, and patronizing them when they can be of service to you.
We look forward to seeing you all again for the contest.

Here are the results:

Big Bobcat

First Place / 33 lbs. 9 oz. / $33,320 / Barry Simpton, Bud Nelson, David McCullough
Second Place / 28 lbs. 15 oz. / $19,040 / Elias Aguirre, Michel Robles
Third Place / 28 lbs. 0 oz. / $14,280 / Tristan Fallin, Taven Matthews, Jacob Beyer, Robert Ramsey
Fourth Place / 27 lbs. 15 oz. / $9,520 / Cory Whisman, Westyn Whisman, Holdyn Whisman
Fifth Place / 26 lbs. 5 oz. / $4,760 / Zach McCormick, Chad Meeks, Chase Hensley


Each Paid $4,760
Most Grey Fox / 44 / Ernie Kaiser, Kodie Kaiser
Most Coyotes / 17 / Casey Smith, Daniel Howard, Drew McBride
Most Cats / 8 / DJ Moss, Ryan Raschke
Heaviest Grey Fox / 10 lbs. 11 oz. / $14,280 / Pierson Tapia, Terayce Preston, Chanston Preston, Wesley Robertson

March 13 WTBBC – Daylight Saving Time

The March WTBBC will fall on Daylight Saving Time weekend this year. We will extend our weigh-in deadline one hour to 12:00 PM on Sunday, March 14, giving you the full 23 hours to hunt. Please spread the word so everyone knows about the change. Also, we’re less than two weeks away from the last contest of 2021. Our online registration is open on our website. Don’t forget to get signed up.

February 2021 Results

Congratulations to all of the winning teams in the February 2021 WTBBC, and thank you to all who decided to brave the elements. Our total team count was 378 teams, and we paid out $86,940 in prize money.

WTBBC would like to thank everyone for supporting the contest. It wouldn’t continue growing as it has without your help in spreading the word. Keep telling all of your hunting buddies about it!!

Also, please show our sponsors your appreciation of their support by visiting their websites or establishments, and patronizing them when they can be of service to you.
We look forward to seeing you all again for the next contest.

Here are the results:

Big Bobcat

First Place35 lbs. 7 oz. / $26,460 / Tanner Counts, Jon Garcia, Justin Garcia, Jeremy Cathey
Second Place / 33 lbs. 9 oz. / $15,120 / Reno Stoebner
Third Place / 30 lbs. 0 oz. / $11,340 / Aneil Pjetrovic
Fourth Place / 29 lbs. 10 oz. / $7,560 / Austin Taylor, Shane Taylor, Bryant Taylor
Fifth Place / 29 lbs. 0 oz. / $3,780 / Dalton Michum, Billy Teague, Tate Teague, Ty Self


Each Paid $3,780
Most Grey Fox / 53 / Cody Francis, Ross Smith
Most Coyotes / 19 / (Two-way tie)
– Garrett Ball, Matt Skalsky, Wesley Knoll
– DJ Moss, Ryan Raschke
Most Cats / 7 / Dalton Michum, Billy Teague, Tate Teague, Ty Self
Heaviest Grey Fox / 11 lbs. 10 oz. / $11,340 / Filie Arizola, Joe Ross Jameson

February 13 Online Registration Now Open

Online registration is now open for anyone wanting to enter the February contest using PayPal.  Teams can still mail in their entry forms with their team’s entry fee, but be sure they get to us BY THURSDAY before the contest. (Money Order or Cashiers Check ONLY. No personal checks, please.) Of course, you can also stop by Field and Streams, The Outdoorsman, or Texas Gun Shop in San Angelo, Texas any time between now and 12:00 PM on the Saturday of the contest. The entry fee is due when you turn in your entry form. There are NO REFUNDS.

Online registration will stay open until the contest starts at 12:00 PM, Saturday, February 13th. It will then be turned off automatically, and no more entries will be taken.

Remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve turned in your entry form, it MUST be done via email so that we have a record of it. An email to teamchange@wtbbc.org is the ONLY acceptable method to add/remove a team member. Submitting your team change using the Contact Us page is the same as sending an email. Your team change request must include all of your original team members’ full names and the name(s) of the person(s) you are adding/removing.

Please take time to read the Rules FAQ for a list of frequently asked questions regarding the rules.

Be sure to check out www.wtbbc.org and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest information and updates.

January 2021 Results

Congratulations to all of the winning teams in the January 2021 WTBBC, and thank you to all who entered. Our total team count was 644 teams. We weighed 38 qualified bobcats, a ton of foxes, and paid out $148,120 in prize money.

WTBBC would like to thank everyone for supporting the contest. It wouldn’t continue growing as it has without your help in spreading the word. Keep telling all of your hunting buddies about it!!

Also, please show our sponsors your appreciation of their support by visiting their websites or establishments, and patronizing them when they can be of service to you.
We look forward to seeing you all again for the next contest.

Here are the results:

Big Bobcat

First Place42 lbs. 0 oz. / $45,080 / Russell Haley, Howard McDaniel
Second Place / 35 lbs. 2 oz. / $25,760 / Payton Sims, Jonathan Shaw, Jaxon Ransom, Coby Robbins
Third Place / 34 lbs. 10 oz. / $19,320 / Tanner Ersch
Fourth Place / 33 lbs. 6 oz. / $12,880 / Dustin Dubose, Billy “Buckshot” Dubose, Jr., Hunter Phillips
Fifth Place / 31 lbs. 3 oz. / $6,440 / Kurt Davis, William Wilkinson


Each Paid $6,440
Most Grey Fox / 81 / Austin Frey, Cody Francis, Brice Daniels, Beau Jacoby
Most Coyotes / 35 / Garrett Ball, Matt Skalsky, Wesley Knoll
Most Cats / 8 / Cody Weir, Jon Medina, Ryan Rechichar, Lane Cottrell
Heaviest Grey Fox / 13 lbs. 10 oz. / $19,320 / Justin Sefcik, Shane Barnes, Dayton Draper, Brian Jackson

January 16th Online Registration Now Open

The January 16, 2021 West Texas Big Bobcat Contest is right around the corner. In fact. Online registration is now open for anyone wanting to enter the January contest. Teams can still mail in their entry forms with the entry fee, but please be sure to get them to us before the contest starts. (Money order or Cashiers Check ONLY. No personal checks, please.) Of course, you can also stop by Field and Streams , The Outdoorsman or Texas Gun Shop any time between now and noon on the Saturday of the contest. The cash entry fee is due when you turn in your entry form. Please remember there are NO REFUNDS.
Online registration will stay open until the contest starts at 12:00 PM, Saturday, January 16th. It will be turned off automatically at that time, and no more entries will be taken. Don’t wait until the last minute if you are going to register online in case you run into technical issues.

Remember, if you need to make changes to your team members after you’ve turned in your entry form, it MUST be done via email so that we have a record of it. An email to teamchange@wtbbc.org is the ONLY acceptable method to add/remove a team member. Submitting your team change using the Contact Us page is the same as an email. Your team change request must include all of your original team members’ full names and the name(s) of the person(s) you are adding/removing.

Please take time to read the Rules FAQ for a list of frequently asked questions regarding the rules.

Be sure to subscribe to our email list at www.wtbbc.org and follow our Facebook page for the latest information and updates.

2021 WTBBC Contest Changes

We are excited to announce some major changes for the 2021 WTBBC. First of all, we are moving our weigh-in to a new location. Although the Tom Green County 4H building has been an awesome location for our event for several years, we ran into a scheduling conflict with our 2021 dates. We are moving weigh-in to the San Angelo Claybird Association. It’s off the beaten path and on private property, so we can control who comes in the gates. We apologize for any inconvenience, but this move was unavoidable. The address is 13525 Duncan Rd, San Angelo, TX 76904.

We have also decided to remove the rule prohibiting the use of thermal and nightvision.  You are now allowed to use these devices whie hunting in the WTBBC.  Please see our Official Rules page for a list of all the contest rules.

Finally, we are increasing our entry fee to $250 per team to fund a new Jackpot category:  Heaviest Grey Fox. To qualify for this jackpot, you must kill 5 grey fox, and we will weigh the heaviest of those 5.  Of course, you can kill as many as you want, but we will only weigh the heaviest one.  We will pay one place on this jackpot.

This is the payout breakdown for the contest with a $250 entry fee.  $230 is paid out in prize money with a $20 administrative fee:

1st Place Big Cat$70
2nd Place Big Cat$40
3rd Place Big Cat$30
4th Place Big Cat$20
5th Place Big Cat$10
Most Bobcats$10
Most Coyotes$10
Most Grey Fox$10
Heaviest Grey Fox$30

March 2020 Results

Congratulations to all of the winning teams in the March 2020 WTBBC. The turnout was better than we expected this month considering the circumstances. We ended up with 403 teams entered. We weighed 18 qualified cats and paid out $80,600 in prize money.

2020 was another great year for the WTBBC. For the 3 contests combined, we had a total of 1816 teams entered, paid out $363,200 in prize money, gave away some pretty awesome prizes from our sponsors, and we had a heck of a good time doing it. That brings our all time total payout (since 2008) to $2,402,320. We think that’s pretty unbelievable, and we know that it could not happen without all the hunters who support the contest and enjoy a little competitive predator hunting.

Also, please show our sponsors your appreciation of their support by visiting their websites or establishments, and patronizing them when they can be of service to you.
We look forward to seeing you all again for the contest.

Here are the results:

Big Bobcat

First Place / 31 lbs. 12 oz. / $28,210 / Josh Madrid, AJ Meadows, Matt Jones, Brent Stroud
Second Place / 30 lbs. 13 oz. / $16,120 / Jerrod Douglas, Justin Shultz
Third Place / 30 lbs. 12 oz. / $12,090 / Terry Crawford, Levi Bishop
Fourth Place / 29 lbs. 10 oz. / $8,060 / Bryan Bennie, Whitney Gardner
Fifth Place / 28 lbs. 0 oz. / $4,030 / Josh Alexander, Patrick Sherrill, Shane Sherrill, Trotter Harris


Each Paid $4,030
Most Grey Fox / 51 / Marty Blanchard, Clint Blanchard, Andrew Cullar, Randy Heiner
Most Coyotes / 26 / Casey Smith, Daniel Howard, Justin Wilson
Most Cats / 4 / (Two-way Tie)
– Josh Madrid, AJ Meadows, Matt Jones, Brent Stroud
– Chico Banner, Cliff McMullan, Cynthia Banner