What does “no hunting in baited areas mean”?

“Baiting” means the direct or indirect placing, exposing, depositing, distributing or scattering of food that could serve as a lure or attraction for targeted animals of this contest to any area where hunters are attempting to take them.
A “baited area” is defined as the area in which the activity of the wildlife is influenced.  We are intentionally leaving this open. The most important thing to remember is that someone from your team will have to take a polygraph if you win, so if you don’t feel right about it, then it’s probably not within the rules, and the polygraph will show that.  Please use your best judgement.

If there is a dead animal in the area where we hunt, and we know that this dead animal is there, can we hunt the area even though we didn’t place the animal there?

You are not violating the “No hunting in baited area” rule as long as you or your teammates did not directly or indirectly place, deposit, distribute, or scatter a carcass or any other type of ingested bait with the intention of luring target animals of this contest.
We understand that livestock die naturally as a result of normal ranching activities, but once they are moved or placed to aid in the taking of targeted animals of this contest, it becomes baiting. Having someone else place the bait for you is not a loophole. That would be indirect baiting.

My son/daughter wants to ride along with my team. He/she will not be registered as one of my team members. Is this allowed?

We have allowed this in the past. We have kids ourselves, and we know how hard it is to leave them behind when they know you are going calling without them. The future of hunting depends on us passing along the knowledge to our kids. We don’t have a problem with your kids riding around with your team as you hunt. However, they cannot assist your team in any way that gives you an advantage over another team. This includes running out to look for/pick up animals for you.  Follow the same guidelines as the “Landowner Question”.

The landowner of the ranch we’re hunting on wants to ride around with us to help navigate the ranch. He is not a member of our team. Is this against the rules?

We have allowed this in the past. It may soon be disallowed if people try to use it as a loophole.  Just remember, if that person is not part of your official “team”, then they are simply a spectator, and cannot pick up a gun, run a call for you, shine a light, pick up your animals, drive the vehicle, drop you off at stands, or aid your team in any way other than navigating their land.  We do allow you to have a non-team member drive you in to weigh-in.  We don’t want anyone falling asleep at the wheel.

One or more of our team members will not be able to hunt with us all night. They would like to sleep at the hunting cabin or house for a little while during the contest. Can we continue hunting without them?

There is nothing wrong with this as long as that team member is not hunting someplace else. This should not be used to get around the splitting up rule. It should also not be used to get around the “No One Man Teams” rule. No single team member should be hunting alone unless they are pre-approved by judges to do so. All team members who were on your team when the contest started must be at weigh-in on Sunday if you plan on collecting any of the payouts. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

Do I need to have my hunters education card with me to hunt in this contest?

You may now print a copy of your certification. Most game wardens will accept the HE# printed on your license. You can also take a screenshot of your card on that website so you’ll always have it with you. Failure to carry proof of certification or deferral while hunting is a Class C, Parks and Wildlife Code Misdemeanor which is punishable by a fine not less than $25 nor more than $500. If you receive a ticket from a Game Warden for any hunting-related offense during this contest, your entire team will be disqualified. Not having your hunter education qualifies as a hunting-related offense. Don’t cost your team money for something so easy to complete.

My team has already registered, but I need to add/remove team members.

If you need to make changes to your team members, the best way to make them is by using the Contact Us form.  Choose Team Member Change as the Subject, and it will send us an email when you submit the form.  You will also get a confirmation email sent to you. You must include the current team members names, and the names of those which you will be substituting. All changes must be received before 12:00 PM on the Saturday of the contest.