“Baiting” means the direct or indirect placing, exposing, depositing, distributing or scattering of food that could serve as a lure or attraction for targeted animals of this contest to any area where hunters are attempting to take them.
A “baited area” is defined as the area in which the activity of the wildlife is influenced. We are intentionally leaving this open. The most important thing to remember is that someone from your team will have to take a polygraph if you win, so if you don’t feel right about it, then it’s probably not within the rules, and the polygraph will show that. Please use your best judgement.
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If there is a dead animal in the area where we hunt, and we know that this dead animal is there, can we hunt the area even though we didn’t place the animal there?
You are not violating the “No hunting in baited area” rule as long as you or your teammates did not directly or indirectly place, deposit, distribute, or scatter a carcass or any other type of ingested bait with the intention of luring target animals of this contest.
We understand that livestock die naturally as a result of normal ranching activities, but once they are moved or placed to aid in the taking of targeted animals of this contest, it becomes baiting. Having someone else place the bait for you is not a loophole. That would be indirect baiting.